Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Colorful Men Find Themselves on My "P" Page

 One of the con artists in my first book, Lifetime Loser, is the owner of a title company named George Pierce. He is instrumental in obtaining a power-of-attorney form and subsequently forging the signature of an old lady on many real estate documents. He ultimately flees the country after collecting all of the loot on the property transactions.

A character that I have fallen in love with is a regular at Prairie Winds Golf Course named Andrew. Half of the world calls him Andy and the other half calls him Drew. However, after a sudden U-turn in an interstate median during a golf vacation the guys at the golf course nicknamed him Pork Chop to commemorate the pork chop and eggs special featured at the highway diner that had caught his attention while behind the wheel. The short, heavy set character is an eating machine and can often be counted on to share remnants of his previous meal on the front of his shirt.

The title character in Pabby’s Score, my fifth and most recent novel, is an autistic teen. The fourteen-year-old who lives at Footprints of Hope foster care center shows up at Prairie Winds for an orientation program into life away from the orphanage. His personality is magnetic and the regulars quickly adopt him as one of their own. But Pabby’s adventure is not without its ups and downs. I hope that many readers will be cheering for him as the story unfolds.

Peel It Backe was the stage name I created for Tyrone Munroe, who is also known as BowTye to the guys at Prairie Winds. He first appears in Finish Line. The diminutive black man made American history as the king of the rockabilly blues as he played the honky-tonk bars up and down the Mississippi river. After the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans, a church program relocated the legend to St. Louis where J Dub and the guys at Prairie Winds adopted him.

Oliver Pudge made his debut in Pabby’s Score and his physique fits his name. He looks like a pumpkin on two toothpick legs and is as soft as the cream in a doughnut. Pudge is an attorney who is easily swayed, inefficient, and essentially a product of a failed legal system. His role in the story is fairly minor but he is a character that I will surely use in future works.

James Ross
Author of Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, Tuey's Course, Opur's Blade, and Pabby's Score
Publisher Websites: and


Gerry Wendel said...

Pork Chop...great nickname! You must have a blast naming all these characters!

JennaQuentin said...

Fun use of P's. Bonne chance A to Z-ing!