eBooks have changed the playing field for authors. Instead
of spending lots of dollars and countless hours to bring a physical product to
market and then incur a shipping cost that oftentimes costs more than the book,
writers can bring their product to market in a fraction of time at an
affordable price. Amazon has been a pioneer in this industry. The Kindle reader
dominates the eBook market. Virtually millions of titles are available for
download in a matter of seconds.
Authors now essentially get paid by the page. The eBook
program originally started with prices on each book. However since the eBooks
could not be physically examined the consistency varied. Sometimes eBooks with
very few pages cost as much as full blown novels. That discrepancy garnered
negative feedback from readers. So Amazon developed a Kindle Unlimited program
which allows participants to read for free any number of eBooks from
participating authors. These eBook pages can also be read free of charge by any Amazon Prime member. The number of pages read is tracked electronically on a
daily basis. That information is shared daily with the author.

In fact, one thing that it has allowed me to do is create
eBook bundles. That is a 3-book package at a reduced cost. Now I’ve got JamesRoss – A Character-Based Collection and James Ross – A Young Adult Trilogy. Try
James Ross has penned several novels from the Prairie Winds Golf
Course setting. The stories are character-based, cross many genres, and have
become Kindle favorites. Visit his websitehttp://www.authorjamesross.com/home.html for detailed information, reader comments, and
contact links.
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