The online social networking in particular has been amazing. Many of you have shared your feedback and your encouragement through this blog, Twitter (follow me at “golfnovels” if you aren’t already!), Facebook, and other outlets, and I know that each comment has made my writing and my publicizing efforts stronger. I love the fact that I can sit in my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri (or on any golf course that has my attention at that particular moment) and establishment professional relationships with other writers, golf enthusiasts, and avid readers from around the globe.
To those of you who have been so supportive with their criticism, which I assure you I have used in my current writing projects, I now would love to share some of your feedback with other readers on this blog. 

One of my favorite aspects of writing novels is creating multi-dimensional characters that are flawed but always have more to them than first meets the eye. I have introduced you to many colorful men and women in my first three novels, and I would like to know who stands out to you and why. With which character would you like to play a round of golf? Into which club house regular do you want to shake some sense, or at least a few manners? What do you imagine happening to one of the featured guys in my next novel? Please email me with your thoughts on any of these questions, or post your answers in the comment section, and I will share a series of blog posts that focus on your reaction to the characters in the near future.
If you haven’t read my books yet—Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, or Tuey’s Course—I hope you
will choose to do so. I look forward to hearing from you!
will choose to do so. I look forward to hearing from you!
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