Some people have goals like climbing Mount Everest, visiting every ball park in the National League (don’t get me started on the inferiority of the American League and their designated hitter position), or swimming across the English Channel. Personally, I would love to say someday that I have played a round on every one of the top 100 golf courses in our great country. Tackling the greatest international courses would not be so bad, either! What are the top five locations in the United States? According to Golf Digest magazine, the publication that has been rating golf courses for more than forty years, the best locations as of 2007-08 are as follows:
1. Pine Valley Golf Course in New Jersey
2. Shinnecock Hills Golf Course in New York
3. Augusta National Golf Course in Georgia
4. Cypress Point Club in Pebble Beach, California
5. Oakmont Country Club in Pennsylvania
How many golf enthusiasts are out there reading this blog? Have you visited any or all of these courses? If so, I would love to know if you agree with these rankings.
My research on the top courses in the country got me thinking about how the fictional golf course I feature in my novels would measure up. Prairie Winds Golf Course is located in the beautiful state of Missouri, is managed and manicured by a staff that takes its responsibilities seriously, and hosts a cast of regulars that is certain to keep any guest entertained. However, its profile is not exactly as high as those beautiful locations we all see featured on CBS on Saturday afternoons. Prairie Winds is definitely more of an “every man’s” course.
If you have not read my three books that take place at Prairie Winds Golf Course, Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, and Tuey’s Course, I hope that you will do so.
Contact me and let me know if Prairie Wings is a place that you would like to spend a day!
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