As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am experimenting with new ways to market my fifth novel, Pabby's Score. I've released a promotional video, distributed copies of my book to reviewers, and, of course, I am meeting with all of you regularly through my posts and your comments on this site.
In relation to that last point, I am excited to share that I will be participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge beginnining this Sunday, April 1. The point of this challenge is to have bloggers from around the globe write on a topic for each letter of the alphabet throughout the month of April. You will see new posts from me every Monday through Saturday next month (April 1 will be the only Sunday with a posting, in order to kick off the event).
As of my writing of this post, there are more than 1300 writers signed up to participate in this challenge! I think this will be a great way to increase the frequency of my own writing and to get to learn from some other bloggers as I hop around and visit their sites. I hope you will stop by here regularly during the month of April to see how I am using each letter to share something about me, the characters I've created, or the craft of of writing.
If you have a blog, maybe you want to consider taking part as well. It's not too late to sign up and work your way through the alphabet on your own blog!
James Ross
Author of Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, Tuey's Course, Opur's Blade, and Pabby's Score
Website: http://www.authorjamesross.com/
Publisher Websites: http://www.xlibris.com/ and http://www.nightengalepress.com/
Blog: http://www.authorjamesross.blogspot.com/
Purchase: http://golftwitt.com/46ey
This sounds FUN! Will check it out.
I’m just dropping by to say hello! I look forward to seeing the alphabet all over your blog in April!
We ask that for the challenge you please remove word verification. Blogger is good about catching spam and we would like to make commenting as easy as possible for all participants. .
Konstanz Silverbow
A to Z Co-host
Hey James looking forward to the challenge - glad to see a few familiar names
am putting your blog link on my site
Happy A to Z
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