Brian Davis was participating in the Verizon Heritage tournament on Sunday and was on the first hole of a playoff round that might result in his first PGA victory. As he tried to hit the ball out of some weeds, Davis' club brushed against a few random blades of grass during the backstroke. Here's the problem. If a player hits any material around the ball during a back swing, this constitutes a violation of the rule against moving loose material. And, the consequence is a two-stroke penalty. Knowing that admission of guilt would most likely result in a loss, Davis called himself out and let the replay officials know what he had done.
With television cameras present, Davis' rule breaking may or may not have been noticed by others participating in the tournament. So, even though he may have gotten away with what technically was against the rules, Davis did the honorable thing and cost himself a tournament victory.
Brian Davis -- working to restore the honor to the game of golf one admitted penalty at a time!
Do you think that golf is a particularly honorable sport? Or, does the game attract the same diverse personalities as you find in any other athletic venue? If not honorable, is there a certain stereotype that you associate with golf and golfers?
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