As mentioned many times before on this site, my belief in the power of the social networking potential found on the Internet is strong. Twitter, Facebook and other such outlets have provided new friendships and valuable business connections. Other writers and a host of readers have offered tips about how to market my books. With that comes insight and firsthand experience as to what is effective.
One idea that has been mentioned is the idea of “personal branding.” How does an author (or any professional for that matter) create an image for himself that is memorable and unique? My goal is to be remembered as a writer that creates memorable characters and interesting storylines. Even though the setting in my books is a golf course it is a challenge to keep the readers’ interest whether or not they are interested in golf. The positive feedback suggests that the goal is succeeding.
But more importantly something is still needed and that’s a catchphrase! Admittedly, not every author has a slogan closely associated with his name, but why not? It’s a piece of personal branding that can be very successful. Stop for a second and think about it. What is James Bond without “shaken, not stirred” or Rice Krispies without the “Snap, crackle, and pop?”
If you know me and you’ve read Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, or Tuey’s Course, then help me come up with a good slogan. Here are a couple of ideas that have been running through my mind as possibilities:
“The intersection of real life and the game of golf”
“Golf, Life and the Parallels”
“A slice of America in Clubhouse Characters”
I’m sure you can do better! Leave me a comment with your suggestion. You just might become a part of my personal branding.
If you haven’t read any of my books, I hope you will do so. Whether or not you are a fan of golf, I think you will find the characters and their struggles relatable and interesting. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on my work!
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