The reception received by my three published novels--Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, and Tuey's Course--has been thrilling. Now, the anticipation is building as my fourth book, Opur's Blade, is in the final stages of proofreading and formatting before publication. Readers can expect to be available for purchase later this year.
With each new offering presented to the public, my skills have increased concerning how to market my work. The wonderful relationships established with other writers and those who are involved in some other way with the book industry have been one invaluable part of my growth. The release and promotion of Opur's Blade should not be any different--there certainly will be opportunities to learn ways to share my craft. Hopefully, all of the experience gained from my first three books will make this fourth venture the best one yet.
Social networking tools such as Twitter and Facebook have been important components of my marketing plan. Also, this blog provides fresh content on a regular basis related to the subjects discussed in my books. And, the opportunity to share my work with radio audiences, whether through traditional programming or podcasts, is always appreciated. These are just a few of the many ways the word about Prairie Winds Golf Course and the characters who live there has gotten out to readers.
Here's my question at this point -- what are some other venues worth exploring when it comes to book marketing? There are other writers out there who read my blog, and your feedback on this topic would be welcome. When it comes to promoting your books, what has worked for you and why? What will you never waste your time doing again?
Let's make this a forum to help out one another as we all work to succeed in doing something that we love.
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