Monday, February 2, 2009

Strong Characters and a Golf Course are a Perfect Combination

I have enjoyed the opportunity that my three published novels have had to bring together my passion for the game of golf and the enjoyment I get out of developing really strong, memorable characters. As anyone who has spent time on a golf course knows, the storyline that often unfolds goes well beyond discovering a person’s handicap or ability to choose just the right iron for any given shot. The golf course is also a place that people go to make multimillion-dollar business deals, discuss the latest political appointments, or participate in the less-becoming pastimes of drinking excessively and avoiding whatever may be going on at home. In all three of my books, I have worked to create compelling personalities that play into some of these golfing dynamics.

When you read the trilogy of Lifetime Loser, Finish Line, and Tuey’s Course, you will be introduced to a variety of people who I hope will stick with you long after you finish the last page. There is a corrupt businessman whose world of murder, perversion, and a fascination with one particular genocidal dictator is slowly revealed. You will meet a musician displaced by the disaster of Hurricane Katrina whose reception by the regulars at the golf course may force you to examine personal discomforts or your own desire to challenge to certain stereotypes. And, there is a man of little means who takes his fight for justice to the unforgiving powers of City Hall. Introducing such characters to my readers, whether they be endearing or repulsive in their nature, is one of the most important aspects of my writing.

If you have not started your journey to Prairie Winds Golf Course through my novels, I hope that you will give them a try.

If you have read one or more of the books and have some feedback for me on any aspect of my writing, I would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to contact me at I look forward to hearing from you!

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